Young Adult Authors
Discover all the juicy details about our amazing YA authors: their books, event calendar, and intriguing bios await below!
Addie Woolridge
Adib Khorram
Allison Saft
Angela Montoya
Ashley Poston
Beth Revis
Brian D. Kennedy
Brigid Kemmerer
Chatham Greenfield
Clare Osongco
Emma Theriault
Erin Cotter
Farrah Rochon
FT Lukens
Gabi Burton
Jenny L Howe
Jessica Parra
Jill Tew
Julian Winters
Julie Soto
K.L. Walther
Kristin Dwyer
Kristina Forest
Lauren Morrill
Lindsey Kelk
Mackenzie Reed
Matthew Hubbard
Preeti Chhibber
Rachel Moore
Riss M Neilson
Samantha Markum
Shelly Page
Sonora Reyes
Susan Lee
Talia Tucker
Tobias Madden