It all starts here!
80+ Authors | Bookish Vendors | 2 Days of Panels + Signings | 1 Day of Unique Experiences
We cannot wait to welcome you all to the most epic book festival Atlanta has ever seen! Because we know romance book lovers are the best and we know you’re ready for a good time!
So to get you all started with planning your epic weekend at LOVE Y’ALL BOOK FEST here’s some helpful information.
The hotel is sold out, but you can book at a nearby hotel with a discount.
Grab Your Tickets and be part of the fun!
Experience exclusive reader events with your favorite authors!

Romance book lovers are about to take Atlanta by storm! Get ready for an epic weekend!
Registration is open to the public Friday October 4th at 3pm EST
Lover’s Duet
Two Day Ticket
Entry to the book festival for two days, panels, author signings, and vendor market
VIP Club
All Inclusive
Two Day Ticket + Opening and Closing Keynotes with signed books + Friday Author Experience + Tshirt + ARC of In The Veins of the Drowning by Kalie Cassidy +SWAG
First Love
One Day Ticket
Entry to the book festival for one day, panels, author signings, and vendor market